Our beliefs

Our conviction

A mission that goes beyond business

We've shared a long-standing passion for hotels and travel, dating back to the 90s, when Exupere's founder, at the time an investment manager with a real estate subsidiary of Indosuez (Compagnie de Suez), was involved in London,

  • development of the Orion brand (now Citadines, after the branch was sold in the 2000s), via the parent company of the same Group, investor in the premises made available to the operator,
  • and to the dynamic management strategy of more traditional hotels, in France in a few capital cities, Paris, Nice and Strasbourg ....and holiday resorts, in the countryside, sea and mountains.

Track record

This hotel track record, augmented by diversified international experience in other commercial real estate asset classes, continued within the pan-European hotel branch of a listed European institutional group (SIIC) until the turning point of the unprecedented Covid crisis in 2020, and enabled Exupere's founder to keep the torch burning with the creation of the start-up company Exupere Hotel Capital Market advisors, a boutique consultancy specializing in this hotel capital market.

An asset class in its own right

The hotel product has now become an asset class in its own right, in the same way as offices, shopping centers or industrial logistics property, even if the hotel remains very specific in nature.

  • solid economic fundamentals, driven by a steadily growing local and global tourist clientele, looking for new experiences, new favorites, places designed to regenerate, by the sea, in the city, in the country or in the mountains.
  • resilient economic activity thanks to business and leisure travel, where people can come for a day to enjoy a place, or a week to recharge their batteries, relax, work and meet new people in a trendy location, or in Lifestyle mode.
  • value-creation potential tailored to strategic investment priorities and dynamic asset enhancement or investment strategies
  • product diversification, including geographical diversification within the same asset class, from traditional hotels to leisure resorts, on which investors can build a differentiated strategy,

New trends

New, innovative trends aimed at rethinking the hotel industry, already emerging a few years before the Covid crisis of 2020, have seen their momentum accelerate, notably by drawing on a responsible approach and the 3 essential pillars of ESG.

It is on this rebound of innovative trends and the revival of the hotel industry over the next 30 years that Exupere proposes to add value, both by accompanying owners in their strategy of holding hotel assets, and by inviting investors or groups of hotel investors to look at our core+ or value add opportunities, including in the context of ad hoc research missions for hotel products that meet their criteria and specifications as closely as possible.

Quest for meaning

The current period of innovation, the rise of the experience economy and the intensification of post-covid efforts, will prepare the hotel sector for a future more in line with the expectations of business and leisure travelers and tourists, in search of meaning and experiences.

Exupere is committed to this responsible approach (CSR) to Research & Development (R&D), and relies on the 3 ESG pillars for its own account

1.Environment, with a lengthy certification process currently underway, and a written policy encouraging environmentally-friendly practices,

2.Social, with an Impact of the Business Model in the context of its services to customers and projects supporting Art, Culture & Architecture

3.Governance, with a general commitment to social and environmental responsibility

Exupere, a boutique consultancy specializing in the hotel capital market, is very optimistic about the prospects for the hotel and tourism industries, and proposes to be a key partner on which to build a tailor-made strategy of responsible investment, partnership and value enhancement.

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
